*Supporting inclusive digital economies
Aurora, led by Alison Partridge, helps organisations to develop and deliver policies, partnerships and projects which enable inclusive digital economies.
I can help you to deliver significant impact through my powerful local and international networks and access to competitive intelligence.
I connect:
Policy with practice
Strategy with robust delivery plans and resrouces
Organisational priorities with funding opportunities
Local with international
People with people
Diverse communities with opportunities
Project and partnership development
Training and capacity building
Applications for public and private sector funding
Meeting facilitation
Research and consultancy
Project management support

Capital Enterprise
Since 2016 I have had various roles with, and now lead on Partnerships and Strategy for OneTech at, Capital Enterprise.
- I founded and led OneTech with the vision of a just and equitable tech startup ecosystem where everyone has equal access and voice
- I support partnership and project development which contributes to diversifying the tech entrepreneurship ecosystem and connecting under served communities with opportunities in tech
- I work on consultancy and research e.g. The Affordability Crisis series which highlights the issue of workspace affordability
- I work with stakeholders to influence policy and practice which affect under-served entrepreneurs
Since 2009 I have been a registered Lead Expert for the European Cities Programme URBACT. In this role I:
- Support medium sized towns and cities to grow inclusive digital and tech economies (through TechTown, TechPlace and TechRevolution)
- Support towns and cities to use participative methodologies to co-create integrated local action plans which make a difference to local communities (through ESIMeC and URBACT Summer Universities and Festivals)
- Have led 2 initiatives to support Europe’s towns and cities to learn from each other to address jobs, growth, entrepreneurship and employment challenges (Job Generation for a Jobless Generation and More Jobs: Better Cities)
I am a skilled, diligent, adaptable and motivated professional with long experience in inclusive enterprise, entrepreneurship and economic development in London and other European cities. I co-create and implement integrated policies and programmes in response to complex ever-changing contexts. I have a strong strategic vision and a talent in successfully developing and delivering multi-faceted and multi-sector projects and partnerships which make a difference. This is combined with excellent organisational skills, an ability to excel when working under pressure – I have never missed a deadline. I am politically sensitive and experienced in high level roles both in the UK and at EU level.
I am:
- an advocate of diversity, equity and inclusion and entrepreneurship (having run my own company for over 20 years)
- the proud mother of two beautiful, ambitious and intelligent young women
- a volunteer business mentor for the Princes Trust (since 2010)
- a yoga teacher and dedicated yogi
- an expert multi tasker!
I work with a rich network of companies and associates from across the EU.